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Our Summer Non-Vacation

September 23, 2019 • Posted in Blog

D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A. Executive Director

“What I did on my summer vacation” is an assignment many of us have had to complete in the late Augusts or early Septembers of our lives, when we returned to school after the summer break. Given that Summer 2019 has just ended (although the high temperatures have yet to abate), an update on our activities is in order:

21 June 2019 — First Day of Summer

We hosted “Chicago Meets New York: Dinner and a Movie” at the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity’s 26th international bioethics conference on the campus of Trinity International University outside more

Robert, Austria

March 11, 2010 • Posted in What People Are Saying

Fascinating series of articles.

Andrea, California

March 11, 2010 • Posted in What People Are Saying

Thanks so much for sending your newsletter. It is terrific, but I’m not surprised. What you are doing is of major importance to the health of our culture, and you do it masterfully.

Bobbie, Tennessee

March 11, 2010 • Posted in What People Are Saying

Excellent  and disturbing report!

Henry, Tennessee

March 11, 2010 • Posted in What People Are Saying

Great World.

David, Indiana

March 11, 2010 • Posted in What People Are Saying

Powerful, precise, and right on target. Keep up the good work.

Will, Tennessee

March 11, 2010 • Posted in What People Are Saying

Another insightful column.  You always make me think and understand things better or in a different way.  Thanks.