De-coupling Pseudoscience from Real Science

By Joyce Shelton, Ph.D.

Despite President Trump’s recent executive orders, one declaring that there are only two genders, male and female, and promising to restore “biological truth to the federal government,” and another “protecting children from chemical and surgical mutilation”, controversies surrounding transgender ideology and the treatment of sex/gender-confused youth remain. Daily, beleaguered parents are faced with making heart-rending, life-altering decisions regarding the best care for their beloved children. The ideology-driven advice they receive is generally more hyper-emotional than rational. How can we help?  I propose that we eschew emotions and turn toward real evidence-based science to inform our thinking and decision-making more

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Rational Thinking Revisited: The Cass Review

      Joyce A. Shelton, Ph.D. Professor of Biology Emerita Trinity International University     In April of this year, the National Health Service (NHS in the UK) released a long anticipated definitive report:  The Cass Review: Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people. Four years ago, seeking an evidence-informed way forward in the wake of rising controversy regarding the escalating prescription of puberty blockers, cross-sexualizing hormones and radical gender-altering surgeries for young children experiencing gender confusion, the NHS commissioned this comprehensive review headed by Hilary Cass. Dr. Cass is one of the most highly respected pediatric more

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