what does it mean to be
The Tennessee Center for Bioethics & Culture exists to promote human dignity,
and to inform and equip people to face the vital bioethics issues of the 21st Century.
Our mission is to bring scientific clarity to current issues of biology
Some people think that humans are not very special. Others see human beings as distinct creatures, with inherent dignity, and a privileged place of freedom, with rights and responsibilities. “What does it mean to be human?” is one of the most important questions of our day.
Our mission is to inform and equip people to face these vital bioethics issues.

“For centuries medicine was impotent and hence unproblematic. From the Greeks to the First World War, its job was simple: to struggle with lethal diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain. It performed these uncontroversial tasks mostly with meagre success. Today, with mission accomplished, medicine’s triumphs are dissolving in disorientation. The task facing medicine in the twenty-first century will be to redefine its limits even as it extends its capacities.”
Roy Porter, ed.
The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine
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