Please click an article title below to read more.

THIRTY embryos created for every baby born by IVF . . . and thousands are thrown away — Daily Mail Online

July 23, 2011 • Posted in Atlas–thousands-thrown-away.html

Chinese teen sells his kidney for an iPad 2 — The Telegraph

June 4, 2011 • Posted in Atlas

New Year, New Dates; Not-so-New Challenges

January 25, 2011 • Posted in Blog

Unlike people, all dates are not “created equal.”   My young nephew who was born on September 11th is learning by association that actions have consequences.  On the January date a friend of mine blows out his birthday candles, our nation will mark a wedge that has divided us for nearly four decades.  Since the Roe v. Wade decision on January 22, 1973, approximately 52 million embryos and fetuses have been “chosen” not to be born.  Our nation alone has aborted 52 million future citizens.

In some macabre way it seems fitting that abortion is in the news this week, although the more

Sale of human organs should be legalised, say surgeons — The Independent

January 5, 2011 • Posted in Atlas

Belgian court approves “wrongful life” — BioEdge

December 4, 2010 • Posted in Atlas

Original Article (Francais):

What Price Is a Human Being Worth?

July 3, 2010 • Posted in Blog

D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A.

Executive Director

Look around at those you love.  What are they worth to you? My children have been worth a lot of time, energy, sleepless nights, messy clean-ups, and much, much more.  They are priceless to me, as children, relatives, and friends usually are.

This is not true of all people in all circumstances.  Consider the California couple who recently tried to sell their six-month-old baby in a Wal-Mart parking lot.  Their asking price was reportedly $25.  It became a blue-light special, however, when the police were notified by two concerned citizens.

Half a world away, wombs for more