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Parenting in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

December 27, 2020 • Posted in Blog

Janet Liljestrand, M.D., M.A.*

Rearing children is a time-consuming and emotionally taxing undertaking. The current pandemic has magnified the enormity of this task by disrupting the lives of adults and children alike. What does a parent say and do in the midst of a pandemic that has the added burden of activity restrictions, a 24-hour news cycle, multiple voices on social media, and changing messages from the “experts,” all mixed with a touch of hysteria? The basics of parenting in the midst of a pandemic are much the same as any other stressful time with the possible exception that the stressful more

Flourishing in Difficult Times

July 27, 2020 • Posted in Blog

Zen Nails, in Brentwood, TN, recently reopened for business.  The nail salon had been closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.  But it had not been idle. The owners, along with other volunteers, decided to contribute to the common good in a very needed way.  They sewed masks and donated them to medical workers as well as to the Navajo nation.

Read the story here.

Flourishing in the Midst of Crisis

March 30, 2020 • Posted in Blog


Focus on the “Local”

D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A. Executive Director

It may seem ironic in this time of coronavirus* epidemic that The Tennessee Center for Bioethics & Culture’s theme for 2020 is Human Flourishing. Of course, the theme was chosen before the populace was on such intimate terms with the infection. The theme was also chosen before tornadoes** struck Middle Tennessee; before we knew we would need a hefty dose of encouragement in 2020. In this month’s post, several Tennesseans are featured. From a pharmacist in western Tennessee to a group of studio singers in Music City, these can help us to more