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Convicted rapist from Auburn may get life-saving heart transplant —

May 6, 2011 • Posted in Medicine & Health

Things Planned Parenthood’s ‘Truth Team’ Forgot to Mention — The American Thinker

April 12, 2011 • Posted in Atlas

By Susan E. Wills

Approval for pre-pregnancy genetic screening — The Scotsman

April 7, 2011 • Posted in Atlas

By Lyndsay Moss

Protecting Online Privacy — NYT

December 6, 2010 • Posted in Atlas

Asking Tomorrow’s Questions: As we move on from the Waterwheel Economy — BCLC

December 3, 2010 • Posted in Atlas

A dying man explains why euthanasia is so dangerous —

November 23, 2010 • Posted in Atlas

Government backtracks on gender ruling

May 10, 2010 • Posted in Australia/Oceania

Who Is Fit to Practice Medicine?

April 12, 2010 • Posted in Medicine & Health

First published 13 April 2009; reprinted here by the kind permission of (

Recently, I learned that Sweden is struggling with an important question: who should be trained as a physician? One particular student focuses this discussion. Karl Helge Hampus Svensson was banished a year ago from Sweden’s premier Karolinska Institute on the grounds that he had falsified high school records. Lying is not a noble activity for anyone, especially would-be physicians. Correction was necessary. Mr. Svensson was relieved of his medical student status. It was probably not the lying that caught the attention of the school officials, however. Mr. Svensson, more